Arnoul Greban
The Nativity
Translated by Shelly Sewall
Southern Illinois University Press 1991
Stron XI+110, format: 16x23 cm
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The Nativity is a fifteenth-century French Christmas play, based on an orthodox interpretation of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, that is part of Ar-noul Greban's vast cyclic drama in verse, The Mystery of the Passion.Grebans masterpiece (circa 1450) calls for hundreds of characters and requires several days for a production that covers the period from the Creation through the Resurrection. Shelley Sewall has extracted approximately five thousand lines of verse from the 35,ooo-line drama and divided them under the traditional titles: The athity of Our Lord and The Play of the Three Kings. She has added scene divisions and titles for clarity as well as relevant stage directions from the Mons Promptbook of 1501. The result is a producible English translation of a French medieval Christmas play. To aid in the performance of this remarkable achievement, the book is illustrated with contemporary miniatures from manuscripts of Passions clearly showing the details of polyscenic French staging.Shelley Sewall holds a master of letters in French medieval studies from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, and a master of arts in drama and theater from the University of Hawaii. She is currently at work on an iconographic study of the miniatures in the Arras Passion.ContentsPreface VII
Introduction 1
Notes on the Translation 15
The NAtivity by Arnoul Greban 17
The Nativity of Our Lord 19
The Play of the Three Kings 67