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16-11-2014, 10:02
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Użytkownik miroslav6059
numer aukcji: 4782387364
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Wyświetleń: 273   
Koniec: 16-11-2014 10:08:55

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Stan: Używany
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A top model from the JVC range, the QLY5F incorporates this company's version of the electronic tonearm using linear force motors.

Any vibrating system utilizing mass and compliance has a resonance point. Therefore, the same applies to the tonearm used in a turntable.

Tonearms now sold on the market possess a resonance frequency at around 5-10Hz. This resonance frequency has a great effect on the reproduction of middle and low frequency ranges.

In addition, warped and/or off-center records, and/or the external vibrations of it make the tonearm vibrate, thus resulting in a modulation of the sound groove signals when the sound groove is being reproduced.

The electro-dynamic servo tonearm employed on the JVC QL-Y5F has been developed to solve these problems.

The vibration speed of the tonearm is electrically detected and damped by the operation of the servo loop.


Motor: coreless, DC type, FG servomotor

Drive system: direct drive

Speeds: 33 and 45rpm

Wow and flutter: 0.025% WRMS

Signal to noise ratio: more than 78dB

Platter: 310mm

Tonearm: Dynamic balance electronic servo controlled

Effective length: 245mm

Overhang: 15mm

Weight range: 14.5 to 24g (inc headshell)

Headshell weight: 11g

Height range: 42 to 48mm


