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GPS lokalizator kamera pilot monitoring auta GPRS

26-12-2014, 16:30
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
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Użytkownik ludmilla234
numer aukcji: 4905877177
Miejscowość WOCLAW
Wyświetleń: 90   
Koniec: 26-12-2014 16:27:19

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
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GPS lokalizator + kamera + pilot + czujnik wstrząsów, GPRS GSM SMS.

Urządzenie o wielu możliwościach, nowe.

key Features:

High sensitive SIRFIII Star GPS Chipset and advanced multi-band GSM module

GPS/GSM/GPRS/SMS connection

Remote control via mobile phone or computer

Fast signal acquisition

Excellent locating capability under weak signal enviroment

Locate single waypoint or track continuously

Locate at preset time interval or real time

Living tracking on map

Send SOS message for emergency rescue

Send low power notification when battery will die out

Send over speed alarm when vehicle moves over restricted speed

Send geo-fence alarm when vehicle exits or enters restricted area

Cut off oil and power system remotely by SMS or website

Resume oil and power system remotely by SMS or website

With shock sensor

With remote control

With Siren

power off alarm

Reset by SMS

Check IMEI

Change time zone to correct time

Listening in

Fuel Alarm by SMS

Arm,disarm ,silent mode

Door alarm ,ACC alarm

Location base station (LBS/Cell ID)

When the tracker device doesn’t received valid GPS signals, tracker will positioning by GSM base station, the messages includes the GPS coordinates of the last position, but the LAC in message is the current new position, you can also send command “address+password” to tracker to get the newest absolute address and GPS coordinates as well

tracker will automatically switch to track by GSM base station in GPRS mode, and actualized on the map of web server with LBS mark. And there may be some inaccuracy with actual location by LBS tracking; the bias depends on GSM reception.

Absolute address with street name

You must set up the APN of your local GSM network for the SIM card in tracker first before using this function, if there is user name and password for GPRS login, Please refer to 6.31 and 6.32 to configure the APN, user name and password for GPRS login.

After configure the APN, send “address+password” to device, it will reply SMS including real street/address name.

Photograph by Camera

When the tracker terminal device detects DOOR/ ACC / SOS / alarm, the tracker device will be automatically ready for photograph when sending the alarm and then shoot camera to upload the photo to the monitoring platform(web server), The photo can be also requested by click menu “request photo” on the platform.

Alarms in GSM Blind Area

When vehicle enters GSM blind areas, the siren will sound in Non quite mode if DOOR/SHOCK SENSOR/ACC, OIL alarms are triggered, and these alarms will be stored and send to authorized numbers or web server after GSM signal recover.

Check the Vehicle State

Send SMS command “check+password” to the tracker device in the vehicle, It will reply the status of external power, battery, GPS, ACC, door, GSM reception and oil consumption to the authorized numbers.

For example: Send SMS “check123456” to the tracker device in the vehicle, it will reply following SMS after executed the command.

Power: ON/OFF

Battery: 100%



Door: OFF/NO

GSM Signal: (1-32) the higher digit it shows; the stronger of GSM reception it receives.


Manufacturer Specifications

GPS Chip: SIRF III chip

Color: Black

Network: GSM/GPRS

GSM Frequency: 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900

GSM/GPRS Module: Simcom900B

GPS Sensitivity: -159dBm

GPS Accuracy: 5m

-GPS Start Time:

-Cold Status: 45s

Warm Status: 35s

-Hot status: 1s

Applicable vehicle power 12 V -24V

Backup Battery: Chargeable 3.7V 800mAh Li-ion Rechargeable Battery

Storage Temperature: -40°C to +85°C

Operation Temperature: -20°C to +65°C

Humidity : 5%--95% non-condensing


-Gps tracker: 101 (L) x 72 (W) x 26 (H) mm

-Camera: 70 (L) x 70(W) x 53 (H) mm

Support the following real-time tracking methods:

cellphone link: support Google maps

Package include :

GPS Car Tracker

GPS Antenna

GSM Antenna




Remote control



Paper User Manual -English

Shake sensor
