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Governmental Systems of Central... [nowa]

24-01-2012, 5:06
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Cena kup teraz: 90.50 zł     
Użytkownik BestselleryPL
numer aukcji: 2002360735
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 8   
Koniec: 15-01-2012 16:12:03
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Przedmiotem aukcji jest:

Governmental Systems of Central and Eastern European States

Chronowski Nóra, Drinóczi Timea, Takacs Tamara

  • ISBN:978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]64020
  • liczba stron: 848
  • okładka: twarda
  • wydawnictwo: wolters kluwer polska
  • Rok wydania: 2011
  • Stan produktu: nowy, nieużywany

  • Opis książki:
    Transition from totalitarian regimes to democracy has substantially changed the governmental systems in the countries of the Central and Eastern European region. The introduction and operation of new constitutional concepts, principles and rules that govern interaction between state organs imposed considerable task and learning process for these new democracies.The volume discusses the basic constitutional principles influencing governance with regard to almost all Central and Eastern European countries. The book addresses how the basic constitutional tenets such as form of state, principles of sovereignty, democracy, rule of law, structure of the state, form of government appear in these countries. It highlights the major contentious issues that the individual countries faced within their governmental systems and illustrates mechanism introduced to safeguard their respective constitutions.The book can be useful for academics, students and researchers in the field of (comparative) constitutional law, political science, governance studies as well as legal practitioners and all those interested in the experiences of Central and Eastern European countries with democracy in the past two decades.

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