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Gogle Dragon APXS okulary narty Anti-fog zima UV

01-07-2012, 23:44
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 743 zł     
Użytkownik bezpieczniej
numer aukcji: 2390365960
Miejscowość Wierzyce
Wyświetleń: 33   
Koniec: 01-07-2012 11:17:35

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Marka: Dragon
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Gogle narciarskie / snowboardowe

Knightrider/yellow blue ionized
+ Gratis 2 szyby Rose + Eclipse

Dane techniczne:

  • Kolor ramki: Czarny
  • Szyba sferyczna: Yellow Blue Ionized
  • Gratis szyba Rose !!
  • Gratis szyba Eclipse !!
  • Szyba z systemem Super Anti-fog
  • Regulowany pasek
  • Wentylacja
  • Podwójny polar micro-tech
  • Dopasowane do kasku
  • 100% Ochrony UV
  • Ramka poliuretanowa
  • Model przeznaczony dla osób o twarzach średniej wielkości

Advanced Performance X (APX), is a design philosophy focused on technical innovation and smart design from start to finish. With an emphasis on quality, minimalist design, andperformance, the APX line embodies the most technically advanced products in the market.

Designed and tested in the backcountry of Colorado at our 12,000’ elevation APX research and development cabin, the APX goggle has proven to withstand the harshest, most technicallydemanding conditions. The flagship product of the line, the APX goggle,literally redefines what a goggle can be with our new patent pending Infinity Lens Technology. By completely eliminating the frame profile with this innovative lens system, the APX goggle has maximum peripheral vision and the highest level of performance. LESS IS MORE...APX

Less is More with Infinity Lens Technology. By completely eliminating the frame profile, peripheral & vision and ease of lens interchangeability has never been better. The patent pendingdesign integrates both bracket and gasket to our existing dual lens system, ensuring a sealed thermal boundary between both lenses and allowing male post connectors to securely attach the lens to frame. Combined with our proprietary Super Anti-Fog formula, the vision is endless and fog free.

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