Sometimes, life can be really hard. A lot of times
we make our own life difficult with the bad choices we
make. Other times we grow up in a bad environment, and
never had a chance before we got started. Then there are
cases where you do your best and life just deals you a
really bad hand. Life is not easy for most of us. I can
sympathize because it wasn’t easy for me either. The
question is… What do we do with the broken messes we
call ourselves? Do we give up? Do we use our hard
circumstances as a crutch for the rest of our lives to
excuse the fact that we will never be happy? Or, do we
pick ourselves up out of the dust and fight for our
happiness? Maybe your situation is so bad that there
will never be a chance to change things around. Well, if
I can go through hell and back and end up where I’m at
today than anyone can. The reason I wrote this book is
to show others the first steps to take who don’t think
there is a way out. I’m telling my story to help people
in the most extreme hopeless situations that even they
can find a happy ending to their story. I’ve always
said, “Yeah though I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death I shall fear no evil”, not because I
needed a false protection from God, I fear no evil
because I was something a whole lot worse. I realize
using the phrase, “I went through hell and back”, has
become a cliché. Well, what if you witness your mother
being physically abused daily. While suffering violent
beatings yourself on a normal basis you became so
pathetically addicted to drugs that you constantly
attempt suicide. Due to the overwhelming stress on your
body and mind you develop multiple personality disorder.
You become a violent sociopath, and survive ten years in
prison after escaping constant hits on your life due to
the fact that there is a murder contract on your head.
Living your whole life breaking anyone’s heart who ever
cared about you, all the while suffering the deepest
emotional torment, and hate ever known to man. In this
case I don’t see anything cliché about my life’s story.
This was just the beginning of my life. I could have lay
down and died and nobody would have blamed me for giving
up. Where you have been in life doesn’t define who you
are now. Society, people around you, and even your own
mind may tell you there is no way you will ever be
happy, but if I can beat the odds by overcoming the past
then anyone can. My story is proof of that.