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Global Cache GC-100 Smart Home x2 + GC IRL LEARNER

12-07-2014, 13:51
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 100 zł     
Użytkownik KasiaKrasnov
numer aukcji: 4375739757
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 23   
Koniec: 12-07-2014 13:14:33

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 0.10 [kg]
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Control your Home Electronics from your Smartphone!!!

sm-prod-gc100As the number of homes and businesses with broadband Internet and networking capability has skyrocketed, so has the number of people who want to take advantage of their connected environments. Beyond access to information and services, the networked home and business can be so much more. Using network-based automation and control software, you can be safer, more energy efficient, and have more convenience and fun. Software can control and automate entertainment centers, security, lighting, irrigation, and all the appliances and devices throughout the home and workplace. Control and automation is all about saving money, time, and making life easier.

Unfortunately, most devices such as TVs, stereos, and lighting can’t communicate over networks. Top-to-bottom proprietary systems can control these devices, but are extremely expensive and require specialized dealer training for installation. Recently, more affordable control and automation software, based on open systems and standards has become available. However, to use the new open systems software, multiple devices, and sometimes piggybacked equipment, is necessary to connect various types of household devices to a network. This method can be quite expensive, somewhat complex, and often unreliable. Global Caché’s cost effective and easy-to-use GC-100 is designed to solve those problems.

Utilizing Global Caché’s GC-100 Network Adapter, the most commonly used devices can be easily managed and accessed via network-based software. Our unique modular mix-and-match design allows integrators, installers, and OEMs to control diverse systems such as entertainment, security, lighting, and irrigation in a cost effective manner.

GC-100-12 (X2)

  • Power input
  • Network connection
  • Two serial ports
  • Three relay connections
  • Six independent IR outputs or sensor inputs
  • Dimensions: 12.0” L x 3.0” D x 1.3” H


Global Caché’s GC-IRL IR Learner is a must-have tool for every dealer, installer, and home automation enthusiast. The compact GC-IRL is used with a PC to learn the full spectrum, 30KHz to 500KHz, of IR codes that control infrared driven equipment. When used in conjunction with the free GC-IRL Utility, the learned code is displayed, converted into other formats, and automatically copied into the Windows clipboard. These learned codes can then be pasted into any Windows application to facilitate quick database and/or spreadsheet creation and updating. The stored codes can be used to control and automate any device that accepts infrared control signals, from any networked computer, and over the Internet. The GC-IRL power is supplied by the RTS line of the serial port and requires no external power supply.