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Paczkomaty InPost


Gladness for Mourning: 2 (Whispers of Grace)




Author: June Caedmon
Language: English
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date: 26 May 2013
Dimensions: 1.4 x 13.1 x 20 cm
Format: Paperback
Pages: 242
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: 14D[zasłonięte]41750



A war that divides families is a particular kind of evil. Victoria Elliot can't bear the thought of her husband and father meeting on the battlefield -on different sides! As the war drags on, Victoria falls into a deep despair, eventually turning to the arms of another man for comfort. When Sam Elliott is captured and held on charges of treason, he learns that his home lies in ruins and his wife is guilty of a treason of another kind. Will they find forgiveness and love among the ashes? Luann Cantrell has no such illusions about love and forgiveness. She will never forgive the man who destroyed her family. But guilt calls her out of hiding to tend the wounded and in the process she meets a woman who teaches her about grace, and a man who just may convince her to open her heart to love. For Dutch, the war is an opportunity to begin again. He's received God's forgiveness, but still dreams of hearing the words from the one whose life was forever changed by the mark of his sword. But there are those who would use the war to further their own cause for revenge. Before the end, both Dutch and Luann will suffer at the hands of men who unjustly hate them. Through it all, they will see God working in the midst of their circumstances, teaching them to praise Him and ultimately... to forgive.




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