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Gimson's Pronunciation of English wyprzedaż

19-01-2012, 17:33
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Najwyzsza cena licytacji: 70 zł      Aktualna cena: 70 zł     
Użytkownik szkaga
numer aukcji: 2044116253
Miejscowość Andrzejewo
Licytowało: 1    Wyświetleń: 20   
Koniec: 18-01-2012 12:06:40

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Język: angielski
Zestaw: sama książka
Przeznaczenie: do liceum, dla dorosłych,
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Since its publication, Gimson's Pronunciation of English has become the essential reference book for anyone involved in studying or teaching the pronunciation of English. Comprehensive yet accessible, it is universally acknowledged to be the standard description of spoken English. This 7th edition has been revised throughout, with particular emphasis on those areas which have seen rapid change in recent years. In particular, the new edition takes into account the status of English as a world language and discusses the current debate about the idea of a global pronunciation standard as an alternative to Received Pronunciation and General American. As with previous editions of this classic book, great care has been taken to preserve the spirit of Gimson's original work as well as to incorporate the latest developments in the field. This new edition ensures that Gimson's Pronunciation of English will remain the most authoritative introduction to English phonetics for many years to come.



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