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Ghostly Tales and Sinister Stories of Old Edinburg

19-01-2012, 12:45
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 20 zł     
Użytkownik mary-ann83
numer aukcji: 2034113193
Miejscowość ŁÓDŹ
Wyświetleń: 6   
Koniec: 12-01-2012 21:07:39

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
Język: angielski
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Ghostly Tales and Sinister Stories of Old Edinburgh

by Alan J. Wilson


Over a hundred gripping tales - of murder and mystery, ghosts and ghouls, body-snatching and witch-burning - reveal the darker side of genteel Edinburgh's history.


Ghostly Tales and Sinister Stories is a highly readable collection, fully illustrated throughout and compiled by the three historians who operate Mercat Tours. Since 1984, thousands of visitors have enjoyed their nightly rounds of the closes and wynds of Edinburgh's Old Town. Now you can read of the macabre exploits of the city's infamous villains - Deacon Brodie, Burke and Hare, Major Weir, Agnes Fynnie and a host of others - which bring this ancient city intriguingly to life.

  • Paperback: 192 pages