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Gertrude of Helfta, mistycyzm, średniowiecze

20-02-2015, 19:04
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Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1993
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
Tematyka: Święci, krucjaty, Biblia
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Gertrude of Helfta

The Herald of Divine Love

New York 1993

Stron XII+259, format: 16x23 cm

Książka jest nowa


PREFACE   ...........................................................................       1

FOREWORD   .......................................................................       3

INTRODUCTION  .............................................................       5

The Herald of Divine Love

PROLOGUE    ......................................................................      47

Notes    ...................................................................................      50


Chapter 1The Commendation of Her Person ..................      52

Chapter 2The Testimony of Grace ..................................      55

Chapter 3The Second Testimony ....................................      57

Chapter 4The Third Testimony .......................................      60

Chapter 5Of the Nature and Description of the Spiritual

Heaven ................................................................................      61

Chapter 6The Constancy of Her Justice .........................      63

Chapter 7Her Zeal for the Salvation of Souls ............................      64

Chapter 8Her Compassionate Charity ......................................      66

Chapter 9I ler Admirable Chastity ...........................................      66

Chapter 10The Gift of Trust Which Shone So Wonderfully

in Her ..................................................................................... 68

Chapter 11The Virtue of Humility, and Her Several Other

Virtues, Discussed Together   ................................................      70

Chapter 12More Evident Proof of the

Spiritual Heaven ....................................................................     75

Chapter 13Some Miracles ......................................................     76

Chapter 14Some Privileges Granted Her by God ............... 78

Chapter 15How the Lord Compelled Her to Publish

These Favors ........................................................................... 81

Chapter 16In Revelations to Others, the Lord Gives Clear

Proof of the Truth of Hers .................................................. 82

Chapter 17Her Growing Intimacy with God ...................... 86

Notes.......................................................................................     87


Prologue .................................................................................  94

Chapter 1The Way in Which the Lord First Visited Her: As

the "Dayspring from on High" .........................................  94

Chapter 2The Heart's Enlightenment ...............................  96

Chapter 3The Pleasant Indwelling of the Lord ...............  97

Chapter 4The Stigmata of the Most Holy Wounds of

Christ ................................................. .'............................... 99

Chapter 5The Wound of Love .........................................  101


Chapter 6The More Noteworthy Visit of the Lord on the

Feast of the Nativity   .............................................................. 103

Chapter 7A More Excellent Union of Her Soul

with God   ........................................................................... 105

Chapter 8A More Intimate Friendship   ..........................   106

Chapter 9The Inseparable Union of Her Soul

with God   .......................................................................... 107

Chapter 10The Divine Infusion of Grace  ......................   109

Chapter 11The Devil's Tempting    .................................   110

Chapter 12Bearing with Human Defects   ................................   112

Chapter 13The Custody of the Affections   ..............................   112

Chapter 14The Uses of Compassion   ......................................   114

Chapter 15The Recompense of Grace    ..................................   114

Chapter 16The Gracious Showings on the Feast of the

Birth of Our Lord and on the Feast of the Purification of

the Blessed Virgin Mary    ........................................................ 115

Chapter 17Divine Forbearance   ..............................................   118

Chapter 18Fatherly Instruction    ............................................... 119

Chapter 19Praise of the Divine Graciousness    ........................... 119

Chapter 20Special Graces   ....................................................... 121

Chapter 21Effect of the Divine Vision    ..................................... 125

Chapter 22Thanksgiving for a Certain Great but

Secret Gift   .........................................................................    127

Chapter 23Thanksgiving   ......................................................... 128

Chapter 24Epilogue: Commendation of the Writing   .................... 135

Notes    ...................................................................................... 135


Prologue .................................................................................... 156

Chapter 1The Special Protection of the Mother

of God .................................................................................    156

Chapter 2The Rings of the Spiritual Espousals .........................    157

Chapter 4Contempt for Temporal Comforts .............................    158

Chapter 5How the Lord Came Down to Her in

Her Humility ......................................................................... 159

Chapter 6The Soul's Cooperation with God ...................... 160

Chapter 7The Lord's Compassion ...................................... 160

Chapter 9Dispensation of Divine Grace ...................................    161

Chapter 10Three Offerings ....................................................    164

Chapter 11Of an Indulgence, and the Desire for the Will of

God .....................................................................................    166

Chapter 14Two Ways of Making Reparation ............................... 167

Chapter 16Progress in Times of Desolation, and Spiritual

Communion ............................................................................. 169

Chapter 17The Lord's Condescension and the Sharing of

Grace ..................................................................................    172

Chapter 18The Gift of Preparation for Receiving the Body

of Christ, and Several Other Points ................................    175

Chapter 19How to Pray to the Mother of God ...............    184

Chapter 20Of Her Special Love of God and of a Salutation

of an Image of the Blessed Virgin ............................................    186

Chapter 22How Sickness Excuses Apparent

Negligence ...........................................................................    187

Chapter 23The Threefold Blessing ..........................................    187

Chapter 25The Service of the Divine Heart ....................    188

Chapter 26Of the Abundant Grace Flowing into the Soul

from the Heart of God                                       &a


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