Steven Parissien
George IV
Inspiration of the Regency
New York 2002
Stron XII+447, format: 16x24 cm
Książka jest nowa
ALREADY A BYWORD FOR TASTE and extravagance by the time he became Prince Regent in l8ll, George IV remains as vivid and notorious a figure today as he was in his own time. He bequeathed to his nation a glittering legacy of stunning, eclectic, and often eccentric houses and collections, and also provided the monarchs who followed him with an object lesson in how—and, more significantly, how not—to conduct oneself. In many ways a strikingly modern sovereign, he attempted to manipulate his public image to divert atten¬tion from the less savory aspects of his private life. His ultimate mistake was actually to believe in the image he had manufactured rather than in the depressing reality. Steven Parissien brings us George IV against the cultural background of his age, showing how his behavior affected the contemporary view of both the monarch and the monarchy, and how his energies and ambitions focused upon the artistic, archi¬tectural, and social splendor with which we now associate him. Self-obsessed, mercurial in his enthusi¬asms, and untrustworthy in his personal and political relationships, George IV was, by the time of his death, largely an irrelevance to Britain's constitutional equation. He never-theless assembled a series of royal residences and collections unparalleled in the history of the British royal family, while the pageants and settings he had devised for his own pleasure and amusement were subsequently adapted as key symbols of the monarchy thereafter. This book examines George TV's apparent contradictions and looks beyond the theatrical glitter to analyze the personal gifts and failings of a man whose style defined an age.
Illustrations ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xv
The Face of Death 3
Family and Friends 18
The'Amorous and Inconstant Sexagenarian' 57
Dress and Militaria 04
Architectural Patronage 116
Connoisseur of Fine Art 143
Conspicuous Consumption 166
Political Posturing 176
The Ancien Régime 193
Separation and Divorce 209
The Immense Girl 227
Image and Reality 245
George and Napoleon 264
The Masquerade of Rooms 282
The Coronation 303
The Visit to Edinburgh 316
The King as Caricature 339
Recluse 355
Conclusion 373
Notes 385
Bibliography 421
Index 432
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