QUAESTIONES GEOGRAPHICAE SPECIAL ISSUE 4 " Late - Quaternary relief evolution and environment changes " [ ZAGADNIENIA GEOGRAFICZNE SPECJALNE WYDANIE TOM 4 Prace naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, specjalne wydanie z okazji jubileuszu Profesora Stefana Koziarskiego ] wyd. POZNAŃ 1995 Stron XXVIII + 270 + wklejki, duży format (ok. A-4), ilustr., ryc., wykresy, tab., literatura Nakład tylko 450 egzemplarzy !!! Uwaga : większość tekstów w języku angielskim, 3 w jęz. francuskim, 2 w jęz. niemieckim wg spisu ! QUAESTIONES GEOGRAPHICAE to zbiór prac naukowych w językach konferencyjnych. Tematyka tego specjalnego tomu jest różnorodna, m in. zagadnienia dotyczące takich terenów jak POMORZE, SUDETY , TATRY , BIELSK PODLASKI , KOTLINA OŚWIĘCIMSKA i inne. [ SPIS TREŚCI ] CONTENTS Foreword 40 years of scholary work of Professor Stefan Kozarski ABER J. S. : Landsat interpretation of glaciotectonic terrain and lineaments in northern and southwestern Poland ALEXANDROWICZ S. W. : Malacofauna of the Holocene calcareous sediments in Grabowo near Koszalin (Pomerania, North Poland) ANTCZAK-GÓRKA B. : Disappearance of the Warta river bifurcation in the southern section of the Poznań gap during the Late Vistulian BAKER V. R. : Global paleohydrological change BARSCH D. : Gedanken über die Zukunft der Geomorphologie BOHNCKE S., KASSE C., VANDENBERGHE J. : Climate induced environmental changes during the Vistulian Lateglacial at Żabinko, Poland BORSY Z. : Evolution of the north-eastern part of the Great Hungarian Plain in the past 50 000 years BÖSE M. : Petrographical composition of the tills and glaciotectonic structures in the clay pit at Włoszakowice BRUNDSEN D., IBSEN M.-L., LEE M., MOORE R. : The validity of temporal archive records for geomorphological processes FRÄNZLE O. und U. : Vegetations und Standortwandel schleswigholsteinischer Landschaften unter dem Einfluß menschlicher Nutzung GÓRSKA M., KACZMAREK L. : Directional elements in the Vistulian lodgement till in the central Great Poland Lowland GREGORY K. J. : The increased significance of vegetation on river channel dynamics JAHN A. : Some remarks on hydrographical changes in the Sudety Mountains JUVIGNE E. , MOORS Ch. : Geochimie et mineralogie du loess de Moyenne Belgique orientale KARCZEWSKI A. : Contemporary glaciation of the Petuniabukta area against the background of Late-Vistulian and Holocene deglaciation (Western Olav V Land, Spitsbergen) KASPRZAK L. : Quantitative sedimentation model of Vistulian ice-sheet: a theoretical approach based on field observations KLIMEK K. : The role of drainage basin orography in the river channel pattern transformation during Late Vistulian, Subcarpathian Oświęcim Basin, Poland KOSTER E. A. : Progress in cold-climate aeolian research KOSTRZEWSKI A., ZWOLIŃSKI Z. : Hydraulic geometry of a supraglacial stream Ragnarbreen, Spitsbergen KOTARBA A. : Rapid mass wasting over the last 500 years in the High Tatra Mountains KOWALKOWSKI A. : Catena of podzolic soils on the northern slope of Västerskutan in the Massif of Areskutan, Jämtland LAGERLUND E. : Ice dynamics during the deglaciation of SW Skane, South Sweden LAUTRIDOU J.-P., COUTARD J.-P. : Le probleme de l'extension et de la profondeur du pergelisol pleistocene en Normandie (France du Nord-Quest) LAVRUSHIN Y. : A genetic classification of deposits of the glaciofluvial flows MANIKOWSKA B. : Weathering of heavy minerals in podzol soil profiles on aeolian sands in Central Poland MYCIELSKA-DOWGIAŁŁO E., PĘKALSKA A., WORONKO B. : The evolution of a marginal form and of kames in the region of Bielsk Podlaski. Sedimentological analysis of deposits NIEWIAROWSKI W. : Diagnostic features of subglacial channels of glacial and glaciofluvial origin, exampled by channels of the Chełmno - Dobrzyń and the eastern Gniezno Lakelands NOWACZYK B. : The age of dunes in Poland - selected problems PISSART A. : Deux types de versants periglaciaires de haute Belgique RAUKAS A. : Estonia - a land of big boulders and rafts STANKOWSKI W. : Taxonomy of glacials and disharmony of glaciations STARKEL L. : The pattern of the Holocene climatic variations in Central Europe based on various geological records SZCZYPEK T. : Anthropogenic relief in the eastern part of the Silesia Upland Stan bardzo dobry (stan magazynowy) Nie wysyłam za pobraniem ! | | |
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