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Genera of Australo-Pacific

26-06-2012, 21:38
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 42.50 zł     
Użytkownik Mantisek_ASJ
numer aukcji: 2355257592
Miejscowość Olsztyn
Wyświetleń: 21   
Koniec: 16-06-2012 21:20:05

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2001
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
Język: angielski
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Marek Wanat, 2001. Genera of Australo-Pacific Rhadinocybinae and Myrmacicelinae with biogeography of the Apionidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) and phyllogeny of the Brentidae (s. lato).

Wydawnictwo Mantis, Olsztyn, 432 str., format 17 x 24 cm, oprawa twarda, ISBN 83-[zasłonięte]336-1-7.

W książce opisane zostały australijsko-pacyficzne Rhadinocybinae i Myrmacicelinae oraz biogeografia Apionidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) i filogeneza Brentidae (s. lato). Praca napisana jest w języku angielskim.

Marek Wanat
Born in 1958 in Łódź, where he studied at the Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, Łódź University, and gained his M. Sc. for a dissertation on the weevil fauna of his home city. In 1984 he took the position of professor's assistant/curator of insect collecions at the Museum of Natural History, Wrocław University, where he got Ph.D. in 1993 for his systematic study on the apionid tribe Ceratapiini (finally published in 1995), and where he works today.
The author's passion for nature and entomology developed already at the beginnig of highschool and soon beetles, a and in particular weevils, became his favourite group. Apart from his devotedly pursued field studies on weevils, which brought discoveries of several species new to the fauna of Poland, accumulation of huge beetle collection, and great amount of faunistic and biological information, sice 1984 his research has been focused on the evolution and systematics of apionid weevils. Over a dozen years of completing literature, studying hundreds of types, and examining hundreds thousands of specimens, collected himself or provided by museums and coleopterists from all over the world, have made him well acquainted with these inconspicuous (but beautiful) beaked creatures. This book is an attempt af finding for them a proper place in weevil evolution and classification.