WYPRZEDAŻ - okazyjna cena Various studies show that women not only experience psychological disorders differently from men, but also respond to medications at different rates and intensities as well. Handbook of Female Psychopharmacology gives a concise explanation of how treatments for anxiety, depression, and various mood disorders interact with women's health issues, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, and contraception. The authors present statistics on how stress, history of abuse, prevailing symptoms, and other factors affect men and women differently. They discuss the effects of drug treatments, including anti-psychotics and alcohol, nicotine, and other illegal substances in women. Each topic is supported by statistical evidence of health risks, drug interactions, and treatment successes. Written and edited by two leading experts in the field, Handbook of Female Psychopharmacology reviews the latest developments in female psychopharmacology and delineates gender-specific differences in the etiology, presentation, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders. This is a handy and practical volume that is essential to psychiatrists, mental health care providers, general practitioners, pharmacists, obstetricians and gynecologists, and other trainees in the field.
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