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FURRY TRAP Josh Simmons

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Furry Trap, The

FURRY TRAP Josh Simmons



Author: Josh Simmons
Language: English
Publisher: Fantagraphics
Publication Date: 12 July 2012
Dimensions: 21 x 1.8 x 26 cm
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 164
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: 16A[zasłonięte]69953



Graphic novelist Josh Simmons (House) returns with a harrowing and genre-bending collection of modern horror short stories that could curl the toes of a corpse in a state of rigor mortis. Simmons disturbing, uncomfortable and even confrontational stories often work on multiple levels: straight, uncompromising horror; blackly humorous, satirical riffs on the genre; or as vicious assaults against the political correctness that rules so much of our popular culture. His artwork excels in conveying a feeling of dread and claustrophobia, and the stories herein all share an unmistakably and uncompromising commitment to exploring the crossroads of abomination and hilarity.The Furry Trap contains 11 short stories, varying in length from one to 30 pages, as well as a number of extras that will flesh out the reader s experience. From the title creatures in Night of the Jibblers, to the witches and ogres of Cockbone, to the Godzilla-sized, centaur-bodied depiction of the title character in Jesus Christ, to the disarmingly cute yet terrifying demons of Demonwood, to the depraved, caped crusading antihero in Mark of the Bat, Simmons is a master of creating terrifying beasties that inspire and inflict nightmarish horrors, usually taken to unforgettable extremes.The individual stories in The Furry Trap stand on their own as mini-masterpieces of skin-crawling terror, but collectively complement each other in a way that only heightens the anxiety and dread pouring from page to page. Just remember: You've been warned.




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