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Furman PL-8 Power Conditioner panel zasilający

09-06-2012, 19:46
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 299 zł     
Użytkownik BiszCopT
numer aukcji: 2340236386
Miejscowość OZIMEK
Wyświetleń: 100   
Koniec: 21-05-2012 16:51:34

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Furman PL-8 Power Conditioner


Panel zasilający przywieziony z USA

(napięcie 120V, wtyki amerykańskie)

W bardzo dobrym stanie technicznym i wizualnym.

Sprzedaje, bo nie uzywam.


Dane producenta:

- 2 slide-out, swiveling light fixtures for rack illumination
- Dimmer control for lamp brightness
- 8 accessory outlets in rear controlled by front switch
- Triple-mode varistor spike and surge protection
- RFI filtering
- 15-amp rating, with circuit breaker
- Separate switch for lamps

The PL-8 protects your delicate electronic equipment by combining a high voltage surge and transient suppressor with an RFI/EMI interference filter. The fast-acting suppression circuit responds in nanoseconds, clamping spikes and surges to safe levels. The filter works to prevent noise from fluorescent lights, electric motors, radio transmitters, and similar sources of "electronic pollution" from leaking from the AC line into sensitive analog or digital circuits.

The PL-8's lamps come supplied with 7-watt night-light bulbs. Replacements are readily available in 4-watt or 7-watt sizes at most supermarkets and hardware stores. Colored Christmas tree bulbs may also be used. Bulbs are easily replaced without removing the unit from the rack by unscrewing the cap on the end of each light tube.

The PL-8 has a master switch for the rear outlets that glows red when the power is on. There is also a separate switch for the lamps, allowing you to check your equipment settings before applying power to it. The front-panel circuit breaker can be easily and quickly reset should the PL-8 be overloaded.