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Na tej aukcji chcę zaproponować zakup angielskojęzycznej publikacji:
tytuł / title: FULL CIRCLE
seria / serie:
redaktor / editor: MICHAEL PALIN
wydanie / publication: 1997 BBC BOOKS
format / size: 19,5 cm X 25 cm
okładka / cover: twarda + obwoluta
ilość stron / pages: 320
ISBN: 0[zasłonięte]563-371-8
typ / type: używany / used
stan książki / condision of book: dobry plus / good plus (książka praktycznie nie nosi śladów użytkowania, ale obwoluta jest podniszczona przy krawędziach)
Opis treści / summary:
FULL CIRCLE could be subtitled Palin's Book of Wonders. As he and his television crew undertake what may be the first-ever circumnavigation of thePacific Rim, they prove that there is an awful lot of the world Palin hasn't seen. In this, the third and most ambitious of Michael Palin's adventures, he travels for almost a year through the eighteen countries that border the world's largest ocean. It is a voyage of epic proportions, longer and more demanding than anything he's taken on before. (...)
The people Palin meets provide a constant supply of surprises, pleasures and lesson in life. He visit a Gilag camp in Siberia with one of its few remaining survivors, talks to head-hunters in Borneo, eats maggots in Mexico and rustles camels in the deserts of Australia. He;s stood up on a date in Adelaide, taken short on the banks of the Amazon, allowed to land a plane at Seattle and sing with the Pacific Fleet choir in Vladivostok.
FULL CIRCLE is the record of a journey of several lifetimes and of the often colourful, sometimes disgusting, frequently hair-raising, once or twice hysterical but almost always beautiful world that stretches around the Pacyfic Ocean. Photographer Basil Pao's dazzling colour photographs reflect the staggering diversity of the people and the landscape. Whether you prefer your travel in an armchair or a war canoe FULL CIRCLE will delight the senses, strech the imagination and spark off a thousand holiday arguments. And you won't have to take malaria tablets.
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