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From mind, heart and hand: Drawing - NOWA !

27-04-2014, 8:59
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Koniec: 27-04-2014 08:49:20

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Stan: Nowy
Okładka: twarda
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From mind, heart and hand: Drawings

from the Stuart Cary Welch Collection



Autor: Stuart Cary Welch

Wydawnictwo: Yale

Rok wydania: 2004

Format: 290x230 mm

Ilość stron: 272

Oprawa: twarda

Waga: 1650g

stan: NOWA



Stuart Cary Welch’s collection of Persian, Turkish, and Indian art is renowned throughout the world for its quality and depth. In 1999, Welch made a generous gift of drawings to the Harvard University Art Museums, which form the basis of the present catalogue. Spanning five centuries and extending from Istanbul to Calcutta, these drawings represent the great empires of the Ottomans in Turkey, the Safavids in Iran, and the Mughals in India as well as numerous regional Hindu kingdoms. This beautifully illustrated book presents more than seventy exquisite drawings—some of which are counted among the greatest Indian, Persian, or Turkish drawings ever made—and explores the connections between the arts and artists of the three cultures.