1. INTRODUCfION . 1.1. The aim of the work . 1.2. The methodological questions 1.2.1. Autonomy vs. interdisciplinary study 1.2.2. Methodology and interdisciplinary nature of the study 1.2.3. The implications . 1.3. Foreign language teacher education as a problem space 1.4. The summary . 2. THE NEED FOR LINGUISTIC EXPLANATION 21. Teaching grarnmar and the teacher . 2.2. Theoretical approaches to pedagogical grarnmar for the teachers 2.2.1. The summary . 2.3. Language descriptions offered within pedagogical grammars 2.4. Descriptive grammars as user's grammars 2.5. The Lexical Approach . 2.5.1. The theoretical context . 2.5.2. The relevance of the approach 2.5.3. The evaluation . 2.5.4. The summary . 2.6. The missing linko Grarnmatical structure as conceptual structure 2.7. The summary 3. THE FRAMEWORK 3.1. Cognitive grarnmar conception of language 3.2. Symbolic Dature of language 3.3. The semantic structure .... 3.4. Schematicity and prototypieality 3.5. Grammatical categories 3.6. Composition . 3.7. The Ground . 4. THE ANALYSIS . 4.1. The scope of the analysis 4.2. Within the phrase 4.3. The preposition; between a word and a c1ause .. 4.3.1. Towards the meaning of IN .... 4.3.2. The Cognitive Grammar analysis . 4.4. The tenses . 4.5. The future . 5. THE CONCLUSIONS . 5.1. The summary of content . 5.2. Applications and implications . 5.3. The issues ahead .. REFERENCES ABOUT THE AUTHOR .. |