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Food for Dead wampiry XIX w. Nowa Anglia

20-09-2014, 8:23
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Koniec: 20-09-2014 08:09:28

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: twarda z obwolutą
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2001
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Michael E. Bell

Food for Dead

On the Trail of New England's Vampires

New York 2001

Stron XIV+337, format: 16x24 cm

Książka wycofana z biblioteki: pieczątki na wewn. częściach okładki.

Stan niemal bardzo dobry




I hated to admit, even to myself that I was excited by the prospect of interviewing Lewis Everett Peck; an Exeter, Rhode Is­land farmer and descendant of Mercy Brown whom I would soon discover probably was the last person exhumed as a vampire in America. I had been a folklorist for more than a decade and had hundreds of interviews under my belt but no one had ever told me a vampire story based on personal experience. Of course like most modern Americans I have a familiar, comfortable relationship with vampires. But these are fictional vampires. Their existence re­quires us to suspend our disbelief whether we're watching a movie reading a book or looking at an ad for beer or batteries. Everett was going to tell me about a vampire who actually ex­isted—a kin relation no less—not some cardboard cutout, B-movie actor, or figment of an author's imagination.”


Has Michael E. Bell discovered the remnants of a ghoulish superstition, or a reasoned attempt to vanquish a terrible plague?

Close your eyes and imagine a vampire: Your mind's eye may conjure up Count Dracula with bared teeth and a shiny tuxedo. But; another kind of vampire was believed to live in rural New England long ago. Author and folklorist Michael E. Bell has spent twenty years pursuing this for­gotten vampire tradition. His discoveries will surprise and enthrall skeptics, believ-ers; and all readers of this engaging book.

BelFs odyssey began in 1981 when Rhode Islander Everett Peck told him a family story passed down for generations. In 1892; months after young Mercy Brown succumbed to tuberculosis, her body was exhumed from a local grave­yard. Relatives cut out her heart, burned it on a nearby rock7 and fed the ashes to her dying brother, hoping to cure him of the wasting disease. They feared that Mercy had become a vampire, sapping her sib­ling's vitality to provide sustenance for her own spectral existence. Or, had she become a scapegoat, blamed for the baf­fling affliction ravaging her family?

While such writers as Henry David Thoreau, H.P. Lovecraft and Amy Lowell drew on portions of this tradition in their writings, Bell captures the tale in its en­tirety for the first time. He takes readers on the road throughout New England, as he visits legend trippers and outright skeptics,

old cemeteries, and small town museums. With humor, insight, and sympathy, he un­covers story upon story of dying people who some believed were food for the dead—the source of life after death for their vampire kin. Bell introduces us to ordinary people confronted with an extraordinary illness that pre-modern medicine could nei­ther explain nor cure.

Bell also makes comparisons to seemingly inexplicable forces in our own midst, like Ebola, mad cow, and AIDS, showing that while times have changed, our need for answers has not. He shows that our vam­pire-seeking ancestors battled disease with the most potent tools they possessed—an instinctual belief in their power to heal themselves, aided by their folk customs.








This Awful Thing



Testing a Horrible Superstition



Remarkable Happenings



The Cause of Their Trouble Lay Before Them



I Am Waiting and Watching for You



I Thought For Sure They Were Coming After Me



Don't Be a Rational Adult



Never Strangers True Vampires Be



Ghoulish, Wolfish Shapes


The Unending River of Life


CHAPTER 11 226

Relicks of Many Old Customs


CHAPTER 12 252

A Ghoul in Every Deserted Fireplace


CHAPTER 13 279

Is That True of All Vampires?


CHAPTER 14 296

Food for the Dead



Chronology of Vampire Incidents in New England



Children of Stukeley and Honor Tillinghast





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