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18-01-2012, 9:56
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Użytkownik Failte_Eireann
numer aukcji: 2009997850
Miejscowość KOŁOBRZEG, Polska
Wyświetleń: 9   
Koniec: 19-01-2012 20:36:20

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Stan: Nowy
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Wydanie oryginalne w idealnym stanie, nieużywane.


UWAGA !!! Filmy nie posiadają polskich wersji językowych !!!


All ten episodes from the second season of the HBO comedy series following the trials and tribulations of a two man digi-folk band from New Zealand as they try to make a name for themselves in New York City. In this series, Bret and Jermaine decide to sack their inept manager and attempt to go it alone on their journey to stardom. Episodes are: 'A Good Opportunity', 'A New Cup', 'Tough Brets', 'Murray Takes It to the Next Level', 'Unnatural Love', 'Love Is a Weapon of Choice', 'Prime Minister', 'NewZealandTown', 'Wingmen' and 'Evicted'.

Obsada: Jemaine Clement, Bret McKenzie, Rhys Darby, Kristen Schaal, Arj Barker

Czas: 360 minut
Region: 2 PAL (Europa, Polska)
Języki: angielski
Napisy: brak

Following on from the quite exceptional debut season, Flight Of The Conchords’ sophomore run thankfully manages to recapture the comedy genius that put the show on the map in the first place. And, bluntly, it’s often painfully funny.

If you’re new to the show, it basically follows two folk singers from New Zealand, who are trying to make it big in New York City. Naturally, in Flight Of The Conchords, things don’t quite go to plan, and it becomes clear that America might not be ready for the pair’s musical creations.

Powered by Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement in the lead roles, but backed by a particularly good supporting cast (including the wonderful Rhys Darby as their part-time manager), Flight Of The Conchords’ second season throws up some real classics. We get Bret starting up a gang, Jemaine’s realisation that he’s slept with someone from Australia, and, of course, the visit of the New Zealand Prime Minister. There are ten episodes in total, and while not every one of them hits the heights of the series at its peak, this is still a comedy goldmine.

Easily one of the freshest and most original comedy shows currently running, Flight Of The Conchords really is something of a treat, and if anything, season two exceeds the standards set by its forerunner. Roll on season three. Please.

This HBO series follows the misadventures of struggling folk act Flight of the Conchords (real-life comedy partners Jemaine Clement and Bret McKenzie). Hoping to extend their fanbase beyond one obsessed groupie, the guys move to New York's East Village, where it soon becomes apparent that America's not ready for their unique brand of music.