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FLEXIBLE FIRM Jakob Krause-Jensen

23-05-2014, 6:04
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Flexible Firm: The Design of Culture at Bang and Olufsen

FLEXIBLE FIRM Jakob Krause-Jensen



Author: Jakob Krause-Jensen
Language: English
Publisher: Berghahn Books
Publication Date: 1 April 2013
Dimensions: 1.7 x 15.2 x 23.5 cm
Format: Paperback
Pages: 322
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: 17DBCDA310



Bang & Olufsen, the famous Danish producer of high-end home electronics, is well known as an early exponent of value-based management: the idea that there should be consistency in what the organisation does, a certain continuity between what the company develops and sells, and the beliefs and practices of the employees. This study investigates how company values are communicated and the collective identity is articulated through the use of such concepts as 'culture', 'fundamental values', and 'corporate religion', as well as how employees negotiate these ideas in their daily working lives. As this book reveals, the identification of values, meant to create cohesion and solidarity among employees, came to symbolise and engender a split between the staff and the other parts of the company. By examining the rise and fall of the value-based management approach, this volume offers the indispensible insight of anthropological enquiry to expose how social realities challenge conventional management strategies and therefore must be considered in the development of new management techniques.




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