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Firgenails-Firgenails/Hell N Back US SUPER CENA!!!

29-01-2012, 11:10
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Aktualna cena: 20 zł     
Użytkownik Mercurius5
numer aukcji: 2069698894
Miejscowość kraków 1
Wyświetleń: 5   
Koniec: 27-01-2012 19:05:58

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: bez folii
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Oryginalne Amerykańskie wydanie Old metal rec 19 klasycznych heavy/speed  metalowych traków


This old Italian band was formed back in ‘81 and released some demos and an LP (s/t) in the 80’s, but split up and reformed around a decade ago to kick some more ass, and nowadays seems to be maybe even more active than before! This CD consists of that s/t album, a promo (11 songs!) from ‘05 and a couple bonus tracks that were recorded in ’88 and sums up what this band is all about.

The debut LP consists of 8 tracks of headbangable Heavy/Speed Metal like early Motorhead. Simple but done in a good taste stuff music-wise, and a vocalist that has a typical Italian accent and resembles Lemmy. You can get the idea about the band’s attitude and lyrical topics form the song titles, such as “Heavy Metal Forces”, “Crazy for Blowjobs” and “Kill the Rich”, don’t you? Overall this album is really enjoyable, apart from the fact hat the vocalist doesn’t sound dominant but pretty boring.

Before the second album (Hell n’ Back" Promo) kicks in, there are 2 more songs recorded in ’88 that could fit in the LP perfectly and don’t sound really different. As for the promo –it’s a nice surprise, since if you expected it to sound modern and to suck – Fingernails came to disappoint you, since the only change here is the vocals! Expect a “clean” voice and in my opinion, this album is better because of it, since this vokiller has a charisma that the previous didn’t. He makes the songs flow better and I would say that the debut sounds drier and even pretty boring compared to this one.

Overall this is a gem for those who like simple “working class” HM that sounds simple and “ugly” but passionate and is great to put on the background while drinking. This CD doesn’t sound tiring even though it’s 70 minutes long! Enjoy!