Lauro Martines
Fire in the City
Savanarola and the Struggle for the Soul of Renaissance Florence
Oxford 2006
Stron XVI+336, format: 16x24 cm
GRIPPING AND BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN NARRATIVE THAT READS LIKE A NOVEL, Fire in the City PRESENTS A COMPELLING account of a key moment in the history of the Renaissance, illuminating the remarkable man who dominated the period, the charismatic Girolamo Savonarola.
Lauro Martines, whose decades of scholarship have made him one of the most admired historians of Renaissance Italy, here provides a remarkably fresh perspective on Savonarola, the preacher and agitator who flamed like a comet through late fifteenth-century Florence. The Dominican friar has long been portrayed as a dour, puritanical demagogue who urged his followers to burn their worldly goods in "the bonfire of the vanities." But as Martines shows, this is a caricature of the truth — the version propagated by the wealthy and powerful who feared the political reforms Savonarola represented. In fact, Savonarola emerges as a complex and subtle man: compassionate, wise, a poet and scholar, and even, at critical moments, a force for moderation. The friar, a mesmerizing preacher, set the city afire with his message of Christian charity wedded to republican ideals. It is this reality — of Savonarola as both religious and civic leader — that Martines captures in all its complexity, showing how he inspired an outpouring of political debate in a city newly freed from the tyranny of the Medici. In the end the volatile passions he unleashed — and the powerful families he threatened — sent the Friar to his own fiery death. But the fusion of morality and politics that he represented would leave a lasting mark on Renaissance Florence.
i Chorus 1 z Vile Bodies: 1472—1490 8 3 The Friar Returns: 1490—1491 19 4 The Wait: 1492—1494 29 5 Fear and Loathing: November 1494 34 6 Holy Liberty 58 - Stamping out Tyranny: 1494—1495 74 S God and Politics 85 9 Angels and Enforcers: 1496—1498 111 10 The Pope and the Friar: 1495—1497 121 a The Savonarolan Moment 140 12 Wailers and Bigots 156 13 Excommunication: May—June 1497 166 14 Five Executions: August 1497 175 15 Rome Closes In 201 16 Foiled Fire 219 17 The Siege of San Marco: April 1498 231 18 Confessions of a Sinner 244 19 Fire Again: Three Executions: May 1498 265 20 The Conscience of a City 282
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