PREMIERA i WYSYŁKA 26.09.2011 . Po dniu premiery wysyłka w ciagu 24h
Muzyka w serialu „Fineasz i Ferb” to szalony mix najróżniejszych gatunków muzycznych z tekstami tak zakręconymi, jak wynalazki Fineasza. Na płycie usłyszycie funk, rock, nastrojowe ballady, a nawet rapującego Doktora Dundersztyca i przekonacie się, czy raper z niego równie zły, co złoczyńca. Czy Izabela wyjawi miłość Fineaszowi i czy Fretka tak naprawdę rządzi, jakby co, i przede wszystkim gdzie jest Pepe? Album może i nie odpowie na te pytania, ale pozwoli zadawać je sobie śpiewająco. Nie przegap tej fascynującej przygody!
Tracklista: CD: 1. Spa Day - Danny Jacob 2. Watchin' & Waitin' - Phineas 3. Not So Bad A Dad - Vanessa 4. Gimme A Grade - Baljeet 5. Candace Party - Candace 6. Fish Out Of Water - Beverly Staunton 7. Gitchee Gitchee Goo - Phineas And The Ferbtones 8. Backyard Beach - Ferb 9. Busted - Candace/Vanessa 10. Perry The Platypus Theme - Randy Crenshaw 11. S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants) - 2 Guys N The Parque 12. I'm Lindana And I Wanna Have Fun - Lindana 13. My Nemesis - Danny Jacob 14. My Goody Two-Shoes Brother - Dr. Doofenshmirtz 15. Disco Miniature Golfing Queen - Laura Dickinson 16. My Undead Mummy And Me - Danny Jacob 17. I Love You Mom - Candace 18. Ready For The Bettys - The Bettys 19. When We Didn't Get Along - Danny Jacob 20. He's A Bully - Robbie Wyckoff 21. Truck Drivin' Girl - Danny Jacob 22. Do Nothing Day - Candace/Jeremy 23. E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S. - Candace 24. Fabulous - Bobby Fabulous/Phineas 25. Little Brothers - Stacy 26. Let's Take A Rocketship To Space - Danny And The Jaytones 27. Queen Of Mars - Candace 28. Chains On Me - The Smile Away Reformatory Glee Club featuring Dan Povenmire 29. Phinedroids And Ferbots - Phinedroids and Ferbots 30. Ain't Got Rhythm - Phineas/Sherman 31. You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart - Love Handel 32. Jpop (Welcome To Tokyo) - Stacy's Cousins 33. Rubber Bands, Rubber Balls - Uncle Sabu & Co 34. Bouncin' Around The World - Love Handel 35. City Of Love - Isabella 36. Summer Belongs To You - Candace/Isabella/Phineas 37. Follow The Sun - Danny Jacob/Laura Dickinson 38. The Ballad Of Klimpaloon - Love Handel
DVD: 1. Today Is Gonna Be A Great Day (Theme Song To Phineas And Ferb) - Bowling For Soup 2. Queen Of Mars - Candace 3. Perry The Platypus Theme - Randy Crenshaw 4. Little Brothers - Stacy 5. Chains On Me - The Smile Away Reformatory Glee Club featuring Dan Povenmire 6. My Goody Two-Shoes Brother - Dr. Doofenshmirtz 7. Ready For The Bettys - The Bettys 8. S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants) - 2 Guys N The Parque 9. Busted - Candace/Vanessa 10. He's A Bully - Robbie Wyckoff 11. E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S. - Candace 12. Gitchee Gitchee Goo - Phineas And The Ferbtones 13. Backyard Beach - Ferb 14. Phinedroids And Ferbots - Phinedroids and Ferbots 15. When We Didn't Get Along - Danny Jacob 16. My Nemesis - Danny Jacob 17. Truck Drivin' Girl - Danny Jacob 18. Do Nothing Day - Candace/Jeremy 19. Ain't Got Rhythm - Phineas/Sherman 20. I Love You Mom - Candace 21. My Undead Mummy - Danny Jacob 22. Phineas And Ferb The Movie: Across The 2nd Dimension - Cast Of "Phineas and Ferb" 23. Phineas And Ferb Season 3 Trailer - Cast Of "Phineas and Ferb" 24. Phineas And Ferb Episode- "Birthday Clip O'Rama" Snippet - Cast Of "Phineas and Ferb" 25. Phineas And Ferb Episode- "The Great Indoors" Snippet - Cast Of "Phineas and Ferb" 26. Phineas And Ferb Episode- "Canderemy" Snippet - Cast Of "Phineas and Ferb"
Wydawca: Universal Music