Directed by Hironobu Sakaguchi (who also created the best-selling series of video games that inspired the film), the groundbreaking 'Final Fantasy', which stars a startlingly lifelike cast of animated characters, is the first photo-realistic computer-generated feature film ever made. In the year 2065, Earth has been taken over by a race of alien phantoms and transformed into a barren wasteland sprinkled with dome-enclosed barrier cities, the last remaining bastions of human civilization. Dr. Aki Ross (voiced by actress Ming-Na) has teamed up with Captain Gray Edwards (Alec Baldwin) to search for the "eighth spirit," a powerful entity dwelling in an unknown life form somewhere on the planet. It holds the key to perfecting a system of energy waves that will neutralize the phantoms. Ross's opponent is the reckless General Hein (James Woods), who is determined to put a stop to the alien invasion by firing a satellite cannon directly into a nest of phantoms located deep within the Earth, even though this could mean obliterating the planet and all life upon it.
Featuring the voices of: Ming-Na, Alec Baldwin, James Woods, Donald Sutherland, Ving Rhames, Steve Buscemi, Peri Gilpin, Keith David & Jean Simmons
Hironobu Sakaguchi & Sakakibara Motonori
Widescreen 1.85:1
English - PCM (5.1) ; Dolby Digital (5.1)
Arabic ; Bulgarian ; Croatian ; Czech ; English (UK) ; Greek ; Hebrew, Hindi ; Hu