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FINAL "3" 2xCD

Justin Broadrick założył legendarny zespół industrial - metalu:
GODFLESH, współtworzył zespół prekursorów grindcore - NAPALM
DEATH, remiksował tracki dla PANTERY, ISIS i PELICANA. Jego projekty to
FINAL, GREY MACHINE (z Aaronem Turnerem - Isis), CURSE OF GOLDEN
VAMPIRE, GOD i TECHNO ANIMAL. To artysta, który odmówił współpracy
nawet takim zespołom, jak FAITH NO MORE czy DANZIG! W 2008 roku na
 grał płytę razem z divą metalu - JARBOE. W tym roku ukazał się jego
nowy materiał z BILLEM LASWELLEM I END.USEREM: Blood Of Heroes.Na trzecim albumie projektu Final Justinowi Broadrickowi towarzyszy jeden z jego stałych współpracowników - Diarmuid Dalton (Cable Regime, Saskwatch, Godflesh, Jesu).



Disc 1:

   1. The Light Orchestra
   2. Seasick
   3. Negative Youth
   4. Laughing Stock
   5. Hollow
   6. Little Pictures
   7. Spinning Top
   8. Open Air
   9. Eden
  10. Golden
  11. Cascades
  12. After
  13. We Glowed
  14. Sorry
  15. Not Real
  16. Long Wave

Disc 2:

   1. Covered
   2. Barely Here
   3. Remnants
   4. Confusion
   5. Long Lost
   6. Not Real 2
   7. Trees
   8. Free
   9. To The Heavens
  10. All We Ever Do
  11. North Pole

Parę słów ze strony wydawcy:
FINAL serves as an undefinable and experimental interpretation of Justin Broadrick's more recognised music; encompassing the brutal and the dark to the beautiful and the melodic, the term 'ambient' is often used to describe the sound of FINAL, but the music is not at all intended to function purely as background as the term 'ambient' generally implies.....

Before Justin Broadrick was in Napalm Death and way before his Jesu,Godflesh and Techno Animal projects, he had FINAL, this was the first music that he made and the first concerts he ever performed; initiated at the tender age of 13, inspired by the true old industrial music of Whitehouse, Throbbing Gristle, Ramleh and Maurizio Bianchi etc, Justin used his step fathers primitive musical equipment to forge his own sound influenced by the aforementioned artists and attempt with like minded individuals and friends to establish his own sound and vision. Basic recordings were made and this led Justin to form a cassette label in early 1984 (Post Mortem Rekordings) releasing his own cassettes and eventually other artists too, this tape only label lasted from early 1984-86, releasing over 50 cassettes of confrontational hate noise/power electronics and Throbbing Gristle inspired electronic psychedelia.

In 2001 Neurot recordings approached Justin offering to release FINAL '3', Justin set about slowly recording and accumulating material from then until early 2005, some in collaboration again with Diarmuid Dalton. Bringing us to the present day, FINAL '3' is finished and due for release on Neurot Recs. in Feb 2006, its a double CD set compiling various recordings from 2[zasłonięte]001-20.

Since forming Jesu, Justin has become very active with FINAL inspired by his new works on '3',recording has already begun for forthcoming releases, and now Justin is preparing to perform as FINAL, his first performances as FINAL since1985. FINAL is more active than ever....

FINAL collaborators from 1983 to the present day - Andrew Swan,Guy Pearce,Nicholas Bullen,Kevin Johnson,Paul Neville,GC Green,Diarmuid Dalton.

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