|  Fifty Shades of African Grey: Pickles The Parrot Dominates Life
Author: Georgi Abbott Language: English Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Publication Date: 15 April 2013 Dimensions: 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.1 cm Format: Paperback Pages: 174 Condition: NEW
Various ebook formats are available at http://www.smashwords.com/ In â€Fifty Shades of Grey’ Pickles the Parrot does indeed dominate life. Owning parrots can be challenging and frustrating but Georgi Abbott has a way of finding humour in her parrot’s behaviour and giving us pause to think differently about our own feathered pets. This is her fourth book about Pickles and just like the others, you are guaranteed to laugh out loud at this parrot’s antics and personality. Excerpt ... Crazy Lady I decided to take Pickles on a little outing so I packed him up in his back-pack and we drove up town to take a short walk around the lake with Neeka Dog. We had a nice little walk and then we sat on a bench over-looking the water and there was not a single soul around for Pickles to embarrass me in front of. He was quite content to caw at the ducks and show off his other wild bird repertoire. After walking back to the car, we drove across the street to the outdoor mall so I could pick up the mail at the post office. I put Pickles on my back again for the short walk and on the way back, he started with the wolf whistles and his doing, doing, doing sounds just as we were approaching some people who were sitting on a bench in the common area. Instead of stopping to explain, as I usually do when people can’t see Pickles because I’m facing them with him hidden in back, I decided to keep walking, as I knew that in a moment I would be past them and the back-pack would be self explanatory. When I arrived at the car a minute later, I removed the backpack to place it in the car and that’s when I noticed that Pickles had pulled up all the paper from the bottom of the cage and then climbed down to the bottom, effectively hiding himself beneath and behind the paper. That means nothing was explained to those people and instead, I just looked like some weirdo walking through the mall, whistling and doinging with a backpack full of old newspaper. Soon, if Pickles has his way, the town will declare me crazy and unfit to own a bird. Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgiabbotts.picklestheparrot ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]41340
| | PROSZĘ ZAPOZNAĆ SIĘ Z WARUNKAMI AUKCJI PODANYMI NA DOLE STRONY ORAZ NA STRONIE O MNIE I W TREŚCI WIADOMOŚCI POTWIERDZAJĄCEJ ZAKUP W moim sklepie kupisz najtańsze w Polsce książki w języku angielskim. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowaniy jakąś pozycją, a nie posiadam jej aktualnie wystawionej - proszę o wiadomość - gwarantuję, że u mnie będzie najtaniej! Zapraszam na inne aukcje Wyszukiwanie za pomocją numeru ISBN: WYSZUKIWARKA ISBN JEŚLI ZNAJDZIESZ DANĄ POZYCJĘ TANIEJ U KOGOŚ NA ALLEGRO - PROSZĘ O INFORMACJĘ PRZED ZAKUPEM - U MNIE BĘDZIE JESZCZE TANIEJ! DO KAŻDEJ PRZESYŁKI PACZKĄ POCZTOWĄ LUB KURIEREM DOŁĄCZAM DARMOWĄ KSIĄŻKĘ UŻYWANĄ Z LISTY DOSTĘPNEJ NA STRONIE "O MNIE" Warunkiem otrzymania darmowej książki jest wpisanie jej numeru w formularzu dostawy. Zdjęcie poglądowe - okładki mogą się różnić. | |