FENDER PHASER unikatowy efekt gitarowy phase shift
I used a Fender Stratocaster and it gave me a natural boost on the high end even though I was using my neck pickup. The extra gain did inherit a bit of noise and that noise was being phased(it's to be expected on phasers). It does have a great intensity and a wickedly fast rate. It was the loudest pedal on my chain.
a power adapter would of been nice, but not a deal breaker as it uses a standard 9V, like other popular pedals.
Ease of Use:
I understand it's based on an old design and I didn't expect it to have too many bells and whistles. But the coolest modern touch is the light.
Quality is great, feels very sturdy and built like a tank
yes, this product is worth it's selling price Manufacturer
The Wow Factor:
It's like nothing out there the machine shop look is cool and the glowing lights are super cool
the only thing I would replace this with would be a mooger fooger phaser which is has more controls and options but also way more expensive
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