
FENDER FVP-1 VOLUME PEDAL pedał głośności tunerout
The Fender FVP-1 is a passive volume foot pedal designed for guitar, bass and other instruments. The rocker-style pedal controls volume using a passive 250k potentiometer with a high life cycle for reliable, quiet operation. Tone is maintained at any volume, and the special tone circuit retains high-end clarity as volume is reduced without becoming dark or muddy.
No batteries or other power sources are required. The input, output and tuner jacks are located on the front panel for easy access. The tuner jack allows silent tuning during live performances. The pedal motion is smooth and predictable, with user-adjustable resistance. With valuable space at a premium on most pedal boards, the FVP-1 is compact enough to make an efficient and conveniently sized addition. Its base and pedal are made of heavy-duty die-cast aluminum, with a durable hammertone powder-coat finish on the base.
Passive volume pedal with heavy-duty all-metal design Specially designed, long life potentiometer to ensure quiet worry free operation Special tone circuit retains instrument's tone at all settings Tuner Out jack allows for convenient tuning on stage Dimensions: 8.4”L x 3.5”W x 2.6”H
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