Feminism and Power: the Need for Critical Theory is
a six-chapter manuscript which offers an important
critique of "power feminism." The latter, having
produced such spinoffs as "grrrl power," "choice,"
"babe," "lipstick," and "stiletto" feminisms, encourages
women to be strong, self-sufficient, feisty, and
independent. While I have no argument with much of that
tough-minded ideal, I ask whether this "brave new girl"
doesn't too readily acquiesce in a neo-liberal ideology
whose underlying tenets derive from American rugged
individualism. At its worst, this strain within Third
Wave feminism contains no critique of capitalism, no
distance on neoliberal theory, no effort to address the
injustices contained in globalization's asymmetries and
the industrialized North's exploitation of developing
countries. Feminism and Power: the Need for Critical
Theory therefore argues that the critical theories of
Theodor Adorno and Jacques Derrida have much to offer
feminism, and a feminist understanding of female
empowerment. Its pages rely on Adorno's assertion that
it is only by allowing the sufferer to speak that we can
unveil social truth rather than be duped by the bravado
of victory culture. Similarly, it demonstrates how
Derrida's insistence on the trace, as well as the
asymmetries of friendship and hospitality, lead feminism
away from the perils of contented triumphalism. The book
promotes listening as a paradigmatic feminist gesture,
rather than always speaking up and out.