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Na tej aukcji chcę zaproponować zakup angielskojęzycznej publikacji:
tytuł / title: FEATHERS IN THE FIRE
seria / serie:
autor / author: CATHERINE COOKSON
wydanie / publication: 1994 CORGI BOOKS
format / size: 11 cm X 18 cm
okładka / cover: miękka, kolorowa
ilość stron / pages: 379
ISBN: 0[zasłonięte]552-148-6
typ / type: używana / used
stan książki / condision of book: dobry / good (niewielkie zagięcia i otarcia na okładce)
Opis treści / summary:
Davie Armstrong watched as his master, Angus McBain, thrashed young Molly Geary for refusing to name the man who had dishonoured her. And yet, not an hour later, Davie saw the two of them alone in the malthouse, and Molly was acting like a whore on market day. In a whirl of disbelieving rage he overheard McBain's plan - to let him, Davie, take the blame and marry Molly, to give the child a name. And he was not alone in witnessing the scene, for with him was Angus's daughter Jane, Davie's stunch ally.
But it was the birth of McBain's true son Amos that unleashed the course of actions that resulted in violence and tragedy. Born with no legs and emotionally crippled, Amos would wield power of frightening intensity and brings disaster to all at Cock Shield Farm...
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