The history of great diamonds is intimately
interwoven with the lives of emperors and conquerors,
great kings and queens, with statesmen and soldiers, the
rich and famous - but also, inevitably, with those who
lead more shadowy lives. Diamonds have been objects of
passion, sometimes of war, violence and theft. As well
as being objects of exceptional beauty and rarity, they
were once thought to possess magical properties that
protected their owners from enemies. Initially a male
prerogative reflecting status and authority, these
incredible gems later adorned the wives of powerful men,
and at times were offered as influential gifts. Few were
immune to the temptation of diamonds; many sacrificed
their lives and souls to them.In ''Famous Diamonds'',
Ian Balfour tells the fascinating stories of almost 80
of these remarkable gems including the famous:
Koh-i-Noor, which is set in the British Crown Jewels;
the infamous: the deep blue Hope Diamond, which is said
to bring bad luck to all who handle it; the biggest: The
Cullinan; and, the Hollywood romantic: the Taylor-Burton
Diamond.Some have detailed histories that can be traced
from the present day back to the moment they were mined,
while others have a more mysterious past or have
disappeared from view. Also included are shorter entries
on a further selection of some forty notable
diamonds. |