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23-03-2012, 11:07
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 169 zł     
Użytkownik Failte_Eireann
numer aukcji: 2190696353
Miejscowość Kołobrzeg
Wyświetleń: 42   
Koniec: 06-04-2012 07:34:22

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Opakowanie: w folii
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Wydanie oryginalne w idealnym stanie, nieużywane, zafoliowane







UWAGA !!! Filmy nie posiadają polskich wersji językowych !!!





Titles Comprise:

Blue Harvest: The laughs come full "Force" when the Griffin clan puts a freakin' sweet spin on the greatest sci-fi saga ever told! With Peter playing the swashbuckling Han Solo, Lois as the sexy Princess Leia, Chris as an adolescent Luke Skywalker, Brian as a well-spoken Chewbacca and Stewie finally embracing his dark side as Darth Vader, who knows what will happen? Filled with outrageous gags, spaced-out droids and more intergalactic satire than you can shake a lightsaber at, this epic spoof of Star wars: A New Hope is a must-own for every fan of Family Guy!

Something, Something, Something Dark Side: Spoofing cultural icons and classic films is Family Guy's bread and butter, and Something, Something, Something, Dark Side sees them take on the daddy of sci-fi films: 'The Empire Strikes Back'. This limited edition set includes a T-shirt and collector cards with the hour-long episode.

It's A Trap: Clear some space for the third chapter of the funniest trilogy in the galaxy! Once again, the Family Guy alliance travels far, far beyond the boundaries of good taste to bring you an outrageous intergalactic journey. Join them for one last outer space adventure, as Han Solo (Peter), Chewbacca (Brian), and Princess Leia (Lois) battle against the Evil Empire. Meanwhile, Darth Vader (Stewie) and the Emperor (Carter) try to recruit Luke Skywalker (Chris) to the dark side of the Force with taco nights and T-shirts. Filled with outlandish humour and exploding spaceships, Family Guy unites for a final sci-fi spoof! We aren't doing any more, folks.

Voiced By: Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis, Mike Henry, Danny Smith, Patrick Warburton, Lori Alan, Lauren Conrad, Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroid & Miley Cyrus


Region: B (Europa, Polska)
Języki: angielski

Napisy: brak


This title brings the funniest trilogy into our galaxy, compromising of BLUE HARVEST, SOMETHING, SOMETHING, SOMETHING DARK SIDE and IT’S A TRAP.

Written by David A. Goodman and directed by Peter Shin, they retell the story of Star Wars Episode VI Return Of The Jedi as BLUE HARVEST and Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope as SOMETHING, SOMETHING, SOMETHING DARK SIDE. Recasting the characters from FAMILY GUY into roles from the film take the alliance far, far beyond the boundaries of good taste to bring you an outrageous intergalactic journey.

BLUE HARVEST, The Force is strong with this double-length episode of FAMILY GUY that devotes itself to STAR WARS EPISODE IV - A NEW HOPE. Seth McFarlane's spoof-happy animated sitcom casts the Griffin family and other Quahog residents as characters from George Lucas' sci-fi classic: patriarch Peter is Han Solo, wife Lois is Princess Leia, son Chris is Luke Skywalker, family dog Brian is Chewbacca, and baby Stewie continues his quest to kill Lois as the evil Darth Vader. From Mos Eisley to the Millennium Falcon, no element of Lucas's beloved universe is safe from McFarlane's hilarious satire.

THE SOMETHING, SOMETHING, SOMETHING DARK SIDE is the sequel to BLUE HARVEST, following the example of its predecessor, this instalment retraces the adventures of the STAR WARS saga from the bizarre perspective of Seth MacFarlane’s dysfunctional characters. Chris Griffin – the chubby and clumsy teenage son - is transformed into a less charming and not so resourceful Luke Skywalker, Stewie Griffin – the ever menacing toddler - aptly morphs into an even meaner version of Darth Vader, while Peter Griffin and Lois Griffin play Han Solo and Princess Leia respectively.
Filled with quick wit, outlandish humour and exploding spaceships, FAMILY GUY unites for a final sci-fi chapter.