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14-10-2014, 18:10
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Miejscowość WARSZAWA - Marki
Wyświetleń: 3   
Koniec: 14-10-2014 17:21:15

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Stan: Nowy
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Tytuł oryginalny: The Exterminator
Tytuł polski: Exterminator
Rok produkcji: 1980
Kraj: United States
Reżyseria: James Glickenhaus
Obsada: Christopher George, Samantha Eggar, Robert Ginty, Steve James, Tony Di Benedetto, Dick Boccelli, Patrick Farrelly, Michele Harrell, David Lipman, Cindy Wilks

Weteran wojny w Wietnamie wypowiada wojnę ulicznym kryminalistom po tym jak jego towarzysz wojenny zostaje trwale sparaliżowany po ataku jednego z młodzieżowych gangów Nowego Jorku.

Scorching the streets clean... Flamethrowers ready as the alleyways of skid row are set ablaze with the brutal vengeance of one man... The Exterminator! John Eastland has been to Nam and he s seen things... Things you wouldn t believe. Surviving torture and witnessing the brutal deaths of his friends, John returns home to a tough neighbourhood in New York and his loving family. But when some local thugs take a crippling dislike to his best friend Mike, leaving him paralysed, something snaps in John. Did he fight the Vietcong for this? Taking the law into his own hands, Eastland sets out to clean the streets of every low life, good for nothing gang banger, mobster and ghetto ghoul across the city in director James Glickenhaus (McBain) brutally violent vigilante classic. Special Features: THIS EDITION CONTAINS Reversible sleeve with original and newly commissioned artwork Double-sided fold-out artwork poster Collector s booklet featuring brand new writing on the film by critic David Hayles DVD CONTAINS: Introduction to the film by director James Glickenhaus Fire and Slice: Making The Exterminator - An interview with James Glickenhaus 42nd Street Then and Now: A tour of New Yorks former sleaze circuit from director Frank Henenlotter Audio commentary with Mark Buntzman, producer of The Exterminator and writer/director of The Exterminator II, moderated by Calum Waddell.

Obraz: 1.78
Czas trwania: 102 min
Dźwięk: English PCM, Commentary DTS 2-Channel Stereo
Napisy: brak polskich, English
Polska wersja językowa: brak
Dodatki: THIS EDITION CONTAINS Reversible sleeve with original and newly commissioned artwork Double-sided fold-out artwork poster Collector s booklet featuring brand new writing on the film by critic David Hayles DVD CONTAINS: Introduction to the film by director
Region: All Regions (wszystkie)
Ilość dysków: 1

Reżyseria James Glickenhaus
Wykonawcy Christopher George
Samantha Eggar
Robert Ginty
Polska wersja brak

Nowe, zafoliowane


product_id: 7091;
Aukcja stworzona 2<span class=hidden_cl>[zasłonięte]</span>014-09 17:21:15 przez sklep oparty na systemie IAI-Shop.