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Expert C# Business Objects - Rockford Lhotka

10-08-2014, 19:41
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Wyświetleń: 4   
Koniec: 10-08-2014 19:25:47

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Witam. Przedmiotem tej aukcji jest książka:

Expert C# Business Objects

Rockford Lhotka

Stan książki: BARDZO DOBRY


This book is a translation of Rockford Lhotka's industry-standard title Expert One-on-One Visual Basic .NET Business Objects into C# language. Lhotka's ideas remain extremely influential in .NET development, and this book translates those ideas directly to you, the C# programmer.

Expert C# Business Objects reveals the opportunities available through .NET. You will learn to make informed decisions about developing your enterprise C# projects. Further, you will learn how to successfully trade off between performance and flexibility.

This book contains the author’s component-based, scalable, logical architecture (CSLA .NET), an object-oriented framework that acts as the foundation for a range of enterprise applications which you are free to examine, use and modify.


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