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15-04-2015, 10:33
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Koniec: 15-04-2015 10:08:53

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Wydanie oryginalne w idealnym stanie, nieużywane


UWAGA !!! Film nie posiada polskiej wersji językowej !!!

Tytuł oryginalny: EVIL DEAD (BLU RAY)

Obsada: Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Hal Delrich, Betsy Baker, Sarah York & Ted Raimi
Reżyseria:Sam Raimi

Czas: 85 minut
Region: 2 PAL (Europa, Polska)
Języki: angielski DTS-HD Master Audio (5.1), włoski, hiszpański
Napisy: brak polskich, angielskie, włoskie, hiszpańskie, portugalskie, "skandynawskie"


All New Commentary with Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert and Bruce Campbell
Picture-in-Picture: Join us! The Undying Legacy of The Evil Dead
One By One We Will Take You - The Untold Saga of The Evil Dead
Treasures from the Cutting Room Floor
At the Drive-In
Discovering Evil Dead
Ellen and Drama Teacher
On-Stage Interview
Make-Up Test


In the Autumn of 1979, Sam Raimi and his merry band headed into the woods of rural Tennessee to make a little film called The Evil Dead. They emerged with a roller coaster of a film packed with shocks, gore and wild humour, a film that remains a benchmark for the genre. Ash (cult favourite Bruce Campbell) and four friends arrive at a backwoods cabin for a vacation, where they find a tape recorder containing incantations from an ancient book of the dead. When they play the tape, evil forces are unleashed and one by one the friends are possessed. Wouldn't you know it, the only way to kill a "deadite" is by total bodily dismemberment and soon the blood starts to fly. Raimi injects tremendous energy into this simple plot, using the claustrophobic set, disorientating camera angles, and even the graininess of the film stock itself to create an atmosphere of dread, punctuated by a relentless series of jump-out-of-your-seat shocks. Much of the film's energy is supplied by the "Raimi-cam," a gliding, swooping, rushing camera that suggests a dislocated, otherworldly point of view while injecting a lively if spooky fleetness to the pace. Though it's no comedy, Raimi's dry wit and cinematic cleverness pervades the entire film. The Evil Dead lacks the more highly developed sense of the absurd that distinguish later entries in the series--Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness--but it is still much more than a gore movie: it marks the appearance of one of the most original and visually exciting directors of his generation, and it stands as a monument to the triumph of imagination over budget.

Can They Be Stopped?

Ever present, ever listening, the evil dead lie in wait for the one ancient incantation that will give them license to possess the living. Watch the horror as five vacationing college students unwittingly resurrect these slumbering demons, and are forced into battle with the supernatural forces that occupy the forests and dark bowels of man's domain. The innocent must suffer. The guilty must be punished. One by one, the students are possessed by these demons whose thirst for revenge is insatiable. As the night wanes, only one man remains... Ash. He must now defend himself while trying to uncover the horrible secret of The Evil Dead.