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Dentistry: An Introduction |
DETAILS: Author: Allan
Hackshaw, Elizabeth Paul, Elizabeth
Davenport Language: English Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Publication
Date: 2 Aug
2006 Dimensions: 1.3 x
19.5 x 24 cm Format: Paperback Pages: 240 Condition: NEW Product_ID: 14A51B4962
This introduction to Evidence–Based Dentistry
provides a much–needed orientation in the subject for
students and professionals alike. It is a ground–level
book for those seeking to understand evidence–based
dentistry and its significance for clinical practice.
The book is anchored in the dental literature: the
majority of the chapters offer guidance on interpreting
a full published paper; where both the subject of the
paper and the study design is of relevance to the field
of dentistry. Each chapter is organised in a similar
way, providing a structured approach to reading and
understanding research articles or commercial product
information. In this respect, Evidence–Based Dentistry
is designed as an introduction to understanding
published research and its implications for the dental
surgery; rather than as a guide on undertaking research.
∗ Incorporates topical published papers in order to
rpovide worked examples ∗ Explains the most6 common
forms of research used in dentistry ∗ Unlocks basic
statistical and epidemiological concepts, along with key
terms ∗ Enables the reader to identify the research
question, assess aspects of study design, evaluate the
strengths and weaknesses of papers and understand their
clinical relevance ∗ Tables, boxes and figures are used
extensively to present core information. Useful
templates are also provided, which readers may use/adapt
for analysis, including study clubs.
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