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13-05-2014, 20:02
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Koniec: 12-06-2014 19:50:29

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Stan: Nowy
Okładka: twarda
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2006
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This book brings together up-to-date findings on the regional dimensions of European labour markets. It provides a conceptual and empirical study of the interactions between the European economy and its regions, paying particular attention to the issue of the transition of Central and Eastern European countries to a market economy. The topics analysed include: the structure of the shocks affecting employment (regional, industrial, national), the relationships between labour market efficiency and the regional distribution of unemployment, wage flexibility in EU member countries or in their regions and the role of active labour market policies in affecting the regional distribution of employment and unemployment.

Table of Contents

Introduction and Overview  Floro Ernesto Caroleo and Sergio Destefanis

Regional Disparities in Europe  Adalgiso Amendola, Floro Ernesto Caroleo and Gianluigi Coppola

Regional Unemployment in the OST Literature  Anna Maria Ferragina and Francesco Pastore

Regional Employment Dynamics in the EU: Structural Outlook, Co Movements, Clusters and Common Shocks  Enrico Marelli

Does Space Matter for Labour Markets and How? A Critical Survey of the Recent Italian Empirical Evidence  Mario A. Maggioni and Francesca Gambarotto

Labour Market Reform and the Beveridge Curve across Italian Regions  Sergio Destefanis and Raguel Fonseca

Enterprise Defensive Restructuring. Cross-Country Evidence within Transitional Settings   Polona Domadenik and Maja Vehovec

Widening Unemployment Differentials in Italy: The Role of Wage and Labour Productivity   Michele Limosani

Skill Mismatch and Regional Unemployment in Poland  Andrew Newell

The Wage Curve and Agglomeration  Jens Südekum

A Panel of Regional Indicators of Labour Market Flexibility: the UK,1[zasłonięte]979-19   Vassilis Monastiriotis

Regional Wage Flexibility: the Wage Curve in Five EU Countries Victor Montuenga, Inmaculadaa Garcia and Melchor Fernandez

Large-Scale Labour Market Restructuring and Labour Mobility: the Experiences of East Germany and Poland  Vania Sena

Macroeconometric Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies in Germany. A Dynamic Panel Approach Using Regional Data Reinhard Hujer, Uwe Blien, Marco Caliendo and Christopher Zeiss

Evaluating Asymmetries in Active Labour Market Policies: the Case of Italy Carlo Altavilla and Floro Ernesto Caroleo