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Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Scandinavia + Viking Lege

21-06-2015, 20:52
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 59 zł     
Użytkownik -ruslantamerlan-
numer aukcji: 5443269651
Miejscowość Internet
Wyświetleń: 45   
Koniec: 21-06-2015 20:15:58

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Witam. Przedmiotem aukcji jest dodatek Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Scandinavia + Viking Legends (DLC) !!!

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O tym DLC

Get ready for the largest and most exciting DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2 so far. This map expansion features Sweden, Norway and Denmark, with mile upon mile of scenic roads and numerous landmarks to see across these three beautiful Nordic countries. New ferry terminals also allow you to board ferries directly and access the coastal cities plus use new sea routes to ports in northern Germany, Poland, and the United Kingdom. Discover 27 Scandinavian cities including Stockholm, Malmö, Göteborg, Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen, København, Aalborg and Esbjerg...


  • Improved daylight cycle and weather visuals
  • Revised approach to detailed map modelling and vegetation
  • Introducing 27 new cities and ports, often larger and more detailed than the base map destinations, featuring recognizable roads and landmarks highlighting uniqueness of each of the territories
  • Immense nature variety across Scandinavia land (forests, fields and lakes of the south are giving way to mountainous regions filled with rock formations, cliffs, mountain valleys, and long twisty tunnels - which sometimes have even crossroads inside)
  • New industries to service with over 80 new cargo types which include new food, machinery, construction and bulk cargo
  • 12 ferry terminals new to Scandinavia plus some more added to the rest of the map, 2 large container port simulating important logistic regions of Scandinavia
  • New trailer models including semi-trailers for transporting livestock and trucks
  • Expanded roster of AI drivers
  • Visit Scania and Volvo Trucks factories to deliver new vehicles to dealers across Europe

Cities included in the expansion:

Wymagania systemowe

Mac OS X
SteamOS + Linux
  • Minimum:
    • OS: Windows 7
    • Processor: Dual core CPU 2.4 GHz
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: GeForce GTS 450-class (Intel HD 4000)
    • Hard Drive: 200 MB available space

  • Recommended:
    • OS: Windows 7 64-bit
    • Processor: Quad core CPU 3.0 GHz
    • Memory: 6 GB RAM
    • Graphics: GeForce GTX 760-class
    • Hard Drive: 200 MB available space

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