Esoteric Science, Volume Two tells a scholarly
story about archetypes that are evident in both the
external and internal worlds. This story first vivifies
the patterns within the heroic mythologies uncovered on
all habitable continents. These patterns demonstrate
that after going through many tribulations, the hero
slays a dragon or a beast that is devastating the
geographic area, which symbolizes the hero as a
revolutionary. In each mythology the hero is also guided
by metaphysical reality. From the congruent motifs of
these mythologies, Williams transitions into
contemporary culture, by showing that the two great
modern myth-tellers, J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling,
embodied these motifs. With the same patterns embedded
in the works of history’s top-selling book series
authors, an expansion on the theory that archetypes are
present in existence—a theory that had the attention of
intellectuals such as the Nobel Physicist, Wolfgang
Pauli, the pioneer of Psychology, Carl Jung, and the
master Linguist and Religious Studies Professor, Mircea
Eliade—is demonstrated in a comprehensible fashion. The
third part renders the archetype theory sound, by
showing that the heroic and revolutionary archetype that
is found within the global mythologies of Part One, has
manifested within the biographies of the revolutionary
individuals of the counter-culture movement of the
1960’s and 70’s. Williams looks into artists such as
John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, and Jimmy Page,
showing that these people led very esoteric lives. These
three harmonious parts, in synapse, beckon the reader to
reflect upon the importance of our own heroic