What do you really want? A 4-hour work week? More
time with your family? To escape the rat race? To fire
your boss? More money? To stop following pointless
corporate strategy? If you answered yes to any of these,
this book can help you achieve your dreams to escape the
9-5. Life coach, Pamela Slim, shows you how to make the
transition from bored corporate worker to a more
fulfilled life in one handy volume. Inspired by a hugely
popular blog called Escape From Cubicle Nation (
http://www.escapefromcubiclenation.com/ ) Pamela
explains how she left her corporate job and set up on
her own, and has never been happier. By tackling her
fears she took the first step and now runs her own
business. In this book she shows you the secrets of
leaving your corporate job and living life on your own
terms, providing both emotional encouragement and
practical advice. Find out how to get a business off the
ground, legal considerations, using social networking
sites, the components of a winning business model,
creative brainstorming, financial advice, shopping for
insurance and benefits, and inspiring and amusing
anecdotes of real-life entrepreneurship. Based on her
own experience and the many people she's coached, she
proves you don't need to stay in a job you hate. With
her motivation you can learn how to unlock the secret of
what makes you happy and build a better 9 to 5.