Tytuł: English Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate
with CD-ROM Second edition
Autor: Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell
Wydawnictwo: Cambridge
Oprawa: MIĘKKĄ
Format:26.5 x 19.5 cm
Ilość stron: 308
ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]16774
Waga: 650g
cena rynkowa: ok.70zł
Stan: nowa, stan idealny
Kolejna nowa, wzbogacona o CDROM, edycja w bestsellerowej serii English Vocabulary in Use. Książka zachowuje charakterystyczny dla całej rodziny In Use układ: słownictwo jest prezentowane i wyjaśniane po lewej stronie, ćwiczenia znajdują się po prawej stronie.
Dołączony CD-ROM oferuje:- setki zupełnie nowych ćwiczeń, innych niż te zamieszczone w książce- nagrania Audio- kreator testów- wbudowany słownik.Test Your English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermdiate is a set of vocabulary tests to accompany English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermediate. It highlights the key vocabulary from the units of the book and can be used on its own or with the companion volume of English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermediate.- Additional exposure to up-to-date vocabulary.- Easy-to-use tests for convenient revision.- Wide variety of test types make learning vocabulary memorable and fun.- Clear marking system means progress can be checked easily.- Comprehensive answer key for students working on their own.- Suitable for self-study and classroom use.
The perfect choice for upper-intermediate-level students wanting to build their vocabulary. English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermediate includes over 2,000 new words and expressions which are presented and practised in typical contexts appropriate to this level. The accompanying CD-ROM provides interesting and enjoyable exercises to further challenge the learner, as well as extra listening practice and help with pronunciation. The book is informed by the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure that the vocabulary selected is useful and up to date. A test book is also available for extra practice.
Ideal for self-study or classroom use.