English Grammar Today + CD + English Grammar Today Workbook, Ronald Carter, Michael McCarthy, Geraldine Mark, Anne O'Keeffe English Grammar Today is an indispensable reference guide to contemporary English grammar and usage. With extensive corpus research at its core, this grammar reference book provides over 500 grammar entries organised into an easy-to-use A–Z structure. Authentic examples of written and spoken English place the grammar in context and make it ideal for learners of English at CEF levels B1-B2, as well as teachers looking for clear explanations of natural modern English. The book comes with a free CD-ROM which provides the book content plus nearly 200 additional grammar explanations in a fully searchable format. Audio recordings for all examples and dialogues in the book are also available. If you need more practice, English Grammar Today Workbook is available for purchase separately or in a Pack. The Workbook targets typical intermediate learner errors and contains hundreds of grammar practice exercises ideal for classroom use and self-study.
Wydawca: Cambridge Liczba stron:Workbook- 241, Spoken and written grammar- 645, 23,5cm x 15,5cm
Waga: 1514g Egzemplarze nowe Wysyłki realizujemy dwa razy w tygodniu tj, w każdy wtorek i piątek. Do każdej zakupionej książki dołączamy paragon, na życzenie - fakturę. Księgarnia - Antykwariat "Silva Rerum" Łódź ul. Piotrkowska 147 SRL Zobacz inne moje aukcje!