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18-12-2014, 1:02
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Koniec: 18-12-2014 00:45:03

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Stan: Nowy
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Wydanie oryginalne w idealnym stanie, nieużywane, zazwyczaj zafoliowane.



UWAGA !!! Film bez polskiej wersji językowej !!!


Tytuł oryginalny: ENEMY AT THE GATES (BLU RAY)

Obsada: Jude Law, Ed Harris, Joseph Fiennes, Rachel Weisz, Bob Hoskins

Reżyseria: Jean-Jacques Annaud


Czas: 131 minut
Region: 0 ALL (Polska, cały świat)
Języki: angielski, hiszpański, francuski

Napisy: brak polskich, angielskie, hiszpańskie, francuskie, portugalskie



Enemy at the Gates opens with a pivotal event of World War II--the German invasion of Stalingrad--recreated in Saving Private Ryan-like epic scale as ill-trained Russian soldiers face German attack or punitive execution if they flee from the enemy's advance. Director Jean-Jacques Annaud captures this madness with urgent authenticity, creating a massive context for a more intimate battle waged amidst the city's ruins. Embellished from its basis in fact, the story shifts to an intense cat-and-mouse game between a Russian shepherd raised to iconic fame, and a German marksman whose skill is unmatched in its lethal precision. Vassily Zaitzev (Jude Law) has been sniping Nazis one bullet at a time, while the German Major Konig (Ed Harris) has been assigned to kill Vassily and spare Hitler from further embarrassment. There's love in this war, too, as Vassily connects with a woman soldier (Rachel Weisz), but she is also loved by Danilov (Joseph Fiennes), the Soviet officer who promotes his friend Vassily as Russia's much-needed hero. This romantic rivalry lends marginal interest to the central plot, but it's not enough to make this a classic war film. Instead it's a taut, well-made suspense thriller isolated within an epic battle, and although Annaud and cowriter Alain Godard (drawing from William Craig's book and David L Robbins' novel The War of the Rats) fail to connect the parallel plots with any lasting impact, the production is never less than impressive. Highly conventional but handled with intelligence and superior craftsmanship, this is warfare as strategic entertainment, without compromising warfare as a man-made hell on Earth.