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03-06-2012, 8:26
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Użytkownik engbooks1
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Wyświetleń: 10   
Koniec: 21-05-2012 02:15:00

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Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 2008
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OPRAWA: miekka


STAN: bardzo dobry ---





How do you know if your life has taken a wrong turn?


Alison James thinks she might be living the wrong life. She loves her husband Marc and their three children but somehow, in the process of building a perfect life for her family, she seems to have lost herself. And sometimes she worries that she's being punished for how it all started - for the day she ran away with her best friend's boyfriend.


Catherine Ashley knows she's living the wrong life. She adores her two daughters, but she'd always thought that at thirty-one she'd be more than a near-divorcee with a dead-end job. In those dark middle-of-the-night moments that come all too often these days, her mind still flicks back to the love of her life: Marc James.And she still wonders whether Alison stole her life as well as her boyfriend.


Alison and Catherine have been living separate lives, a hundred miles apart, for fifteen years - since Alison and Marc ran away together. But now Alison's moving back to Farmington, the town in which they both grew up. And they're about to find out just how different both their lives could still be ...