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OPRAWA: miekka


STAN: bardzo dobry ---







It is a truth universally acknowledged that everyone loves a good wedding. Except, possibly, the bride and groom, who spend the day in such an overexcited frenzy that they can't remember it. And the bridesmaids, who are forced to wear ill-fitting peach taffeta so as not to outshine the bride. And the best man, who has to make a terrifying speech in front of a room of drunken people he's never met before, then fight off the attentions of the chief bridesmaid. Oh, and the father of the bride, who has to pay through the nose for the whole thing...


Now, in the bestselling Babylon tradition, Imogen Edwards-Jones lifts the lid on the excesses of the wedding industry. The scams which inflate the prices of everything from flowers to cakes to marquee hire. And the wedding disaster stories of high jinks at the altar and disastrous low comedy in the speeches. The potential for things to go horribly, horribly wrong is never higher than at a wedding.


Hilarious, shocking and thoroughly entertaining, Wedding Babylon is proof positive that the dream day is never far from becoming a nightmare...