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EMMA BLAIR - OMNIBUS Street Song, The princess...

28-01-2012, 5:48
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Koniec: 28-01-2012 05:48:58
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EMMA BLAIR - Omnibus
Street Song
The Princess of Poor Street

Ilość stron: 507 +419 (łącznie 926 stron)

Susan's parents had wanted a son ... and they did little to hide their disappointment at having a daughter instead. As soon as was decently possible, they packed her off to a boarding school. In the tradition-bound Scotland of the 1940s there was no place for a woman like Susan. But she was determined to find one - even if it meant beating her wealthy parents at their own game ...

They called it Black Friday in Parr Street when the factory closed; and whole families in the slums of Glasgow during the Depression felt the cruel sting of despair. But young Ken Blacklaws had steel in his veins: 'I'm going to make something of my life,' he would tell Vicky Devine with passion and a dangerous fire in his eyes. Maybe that's why she loved him so much...

Książka niezniszczona, nieporysowana, niepopisana. Stan bardzo dobry. Okładka miękka.

Cena: 7,10 zł.

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EMMA BLAIR - OMNIBUS Street Song, The princess...