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03-03-2015, 5:18
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Koniec: 03-03-2015 05:19:45

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
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Elvis Presley: The Original Hit Albums [3CD]
Elvis Presley
rok wydania:
Not Now Music
nr kat.:
liczba noœników:
 Lista utworów
1. That's all right - Elvis Presley
2. Blue moon of Kentucky - Elvis Presley
3. Good rockin' tonight - Elvis Presley
4. I don't care if the sun don't shine - Elvis Presley
5. Mlikcow blues boogie - Elvis Presley
6. You're a heartbreaker - Elvis Presley
7. Baby let's play house - Elvis Presley
8. I'm left, you're right, she's gone - Elvis Presley
9. I forgot to remember to forget - Elvis Presley
10. Mystery train - Elvis Presley
11. I'll never let you go (little darlin') - Elvis Presley
12. Just because - Elvis Presley
13. Trying to get to you - Elvis Presley
14. Blue suede shoes - Elvis Presley
15. I'm counting on you - Elvis Presley
16. I got a woman - Elvis Presley
17. One-sided love affair - Elvis Presley & Sided Love Affair
18. I love you because - Elvis Presley
19. Just because - Elvis Presley
20. Tutti frutti - Elvis Presley
21. Tryin' to get to you - Elvis Presley
22. I'm gonna sit right down and cry - Elvis Presley
23. Blue moon - Elvis Presley
24. Money honey - Elvis Presley
25. Heartbreak hotel - Elvis Presley
26. I was the one - Elvis Presley
27. Shake, rattle and roll - Elvis Presley
28. My baby left me - Elvis Presley
29. Lawdy, Miss Clawdy - Elvis Presley
30. I want you, I need you, I love you - Elvis Presley
31. Rip it up - Elvis Presley
32. Love me - Elvis Presley
33. When my blue motion turns to gold - Elvis Presley
34. Long tall sally - Elvis Presley
35. First in line - Elvis Presley
36. Paralyzed - Elvis Presley
37. So glad you're mine - Elvis Presley
38. Old shep - Elvis Presley
39. Ready Teddy - Elvis Presley
40. Anyplace is paradise - Elvis Presley
41. How's the world treating you? - Elvis Presley
42. How do you think I feel? - Elvis Presley
43. Hound dog - Elvis Presley
44. Don't be cruel - Elvis Presley
45. Any way you want me (that's how I will be) - Elvis Presley
46. Too much - Elvis Presley
47. Playing for keeps - Elvis Presley
48. Love me tender - Elvis Presley
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Produkt ORYGINALNY. Płyta zupełnie NOWA. (w przypadku konieczności zabezpieczenia dysku przed wypadnięciem folia fabryczna zostaje zmieniona)
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